你的評語 或
pang kwok cheung
2021/03/13 9:05
i have one family,i have one father and one mother,one brother and one sister,and myself, i live in the >>... tai po...
now i am married,i have one wife,one son and one draughter,i am father.
pang kwok cheung
2021/03/06 8:41
under the sky,under the heaven,there is but one family,i think of myself as human being. Man there is but one family.
pang kwok cheung
2019/11/15 11:19
pang kwok cheung
2019/11/15 11:17
this is want it is ok,i said empty your mind,be formless,shapeless,like water,now you put water into a cup,it becomes the cup,you put water into a bottle,it becomes the bottle,you put it into a teapot,it becomes the teapot,water can flow or can crash,be water my friend. be as water pang kwok cheung >> 水革命 失控 李小龍 1973年 影視紅星
john pang kwok cheung
2018/08/15 16:53
my name is john pang kwok cheung,i was born 1958 hong kong Chinese.
pang kwok cheung
2016/11/16 13:54
john kwok cheung pang
2016/05/20 12:01
john pang
pang kwok cheung
2013/01/17 16:13
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